Admission Rules

(1) Important Information For Parents:
(a) Parents should have the I-cards when they come to pick their children up.
(b) Parents should carry out their responsibilities as joint educators in instilling in their children respect and strict adherence to all school rules.
(c) The safety and security of our students is the prime concern and responsibility of the school and the schools will take all steps to ensure the same. However, there are certain unforeseen incidents which are beyond the reasonable control of the school when students take part in any indoor and outdoor activities including all Sports,Excursions, etc. or any other activity that is usually conducted by the school as a part of learning and if some untoward incident occurs for that the onus will not rest with the school. The school or any teacher, or any staff will not be held responsible for any loss or damage or injury of whatsoever nature caused to the student inside/outside the school due to his/her own act or expression, negligence or any inter dispute between the students, intentionally or unintentionally creating any circumstances which would lead to causing hurt/injury/damage to such student by any object or human being. The school authorities, staff, teachers will be free from any and all liabilities, claims, suit, demands, judgments, costs, interest and expense arising from such situations, including any accident or injury to the student and the costs of medical expenses.
(2) Our Expectations From Parents And Guardians:
(a) Parents are expected to go through the school calendar carefully and make a note of important dates and events, especially parent-teacher meetings, tests and examinations. We expect the parents to come in large numbers and meet the concerned teachers to discuss not only the academic progress but also other areas of personality development like attitude, aptitude, confidence building etc
(b) No Strangers Are Allowed To Meet Children.
(c) Last but not the least, we expect parents and guardians to be cordial and polite with the staff of the school even in the most taxing situations.
(d) Attendance is compulsory for celebration of National Days.
(3) Payment of fee:
(a) Fee should be paid in advance for one month at the time of admission. Fee to be paid on or before tenth of due month.
(b) Students are not allowed to sit the in annual examination without clearing the fee dues.
(4) School Uniform:
(a) Students must wear the School uniform prescribed by the School administration. Students should come to the School in neatly dressed and with polished shoes.
(5) Tests and examination:
(a) Three tests and two examinations will be held in an academic year.
(6) Documents required:
(a) 02 Photograph of student
(b) 02 Photograph of father
(c) Two Xerox copies of Adhaar card
(d) Two Xerox of ration card
(e) 01 Xerox copy of fathers adhaar card .
(7) Contact details :
(a) Phone number:- 01955295456,7006720218
(b) E-mail:-
(c) Website:-